Monday, September 12, 2005

Week 10 "Memories From Your School Years"

1. St. Mary's of Assupmtion, 4th grade I was bored in class so I asked Sister
Patrice Marie (who always smelled like pee)if I could go to church to pray. Alone in church I hallucinated and saw tears falling from the blessed mother's eyes. I went back to class and told my friends then they saw it too! And then the whole class hallucinated! Well, I ended causing a lot of drama at school and in the end someone (an official of something) got close enough to touch the dry cheeks on the statue. What I did accomplish though was getting both of my parents down on their knees praying in church together for the first time. LOL

2. St. Mary's of Assumption, 3rd grade I made my first scrapbook of animals! My teacher, Mrs. Chittwood was a mean ol' biotch but I was her fave!LOL Evidentally everyone in class did such shitty jobs on theirs and mine was so outstanding she walked up and down the isles holding up my scrapbook while scolding the class. She reminded me of the Queen in Alice in Wonderland.

3. Our Lady of Fatima, 2nd grade I was the only one who went "face to face" with the priest during our First Confessions. I remember confessing, "fighting with my little brother".

4. Ramona Convent, 7th grade I invited all of my friends to my Halloween party...sorta. My Goth father bought an old Hearse for fun and chaufeured my friends and I around Hollywood Blvd. to see the premiere of Halloween (?). We were all piled up in the back of the hearse and when he let us out in front of Mann's Chinese Theater everyone in line cheered & clapped for us. Dad was in a tux and skull mask (one of the characters in the movie)and mom was Morticia. There was a rumour going around my school that my dad worked for the morturary. I had to explain that, no he did not, he was only a freak!

5. Huntington Beach High School, 10th grade I crashed my BMW in the island in front of the police station and just left it there! With only a learning permit I called my dad and got scared so I hid out across the street at my best friend's jacuzzi and swimming pool where I swam all night. Out of sight , out of mind, I guess? I could hear my dad's car racing up and down the street looking for me from the pool too. He was so furious the friendly officer was scared of him too, when I finally decided to come out of hiding. LOL

6. HBHS, 11th grade I bought a Cosmo mag that came with the mini yearly astrological book that predicted, "You will meet a dashing and daring Aries man approx. on Valentine's Day" and sure as shit on Valentine's Day I was sitting in class and this Hot guy in a black leather jacket was standing outside my door pointing at me to come outside. Like a dork I look behind me and he's all, no YOU! Totally like a Jake Ryan scene from the movie "Sixteen Candles". So I go to the door and he hands me a Valentine with an alien on it that reads, "You're cosmic." He was an Aries, dashing and daring and became my bf. He looked like a young Elvis but moved away to go to school in Massachusettes. :(

7. Ramona Convent, 9th grade I made plans with my friend/classmate to get stoned after school during last period. We were passing notes back and forth about how she stole some weed from her very famous dad. So after school at my locker someone taps my back. It was Sister Virginia Anne. She said, "Come with me dearie." She had gone in the trash to retrieve our notes and read them. The dean gave us a warning and a lecture. We didn't want to reveal who the weed was from. I'm sure they knew.

8. Grammar school, I remember getting excited when the monthly Scholastic book club catalogs/readers were passed out. I loved ordering books and the feeling I got the day our orders arrived. My favorite book of all time was Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak. It came with a record sang by Carol King!

9. I always remember being student of the month for October.

10. St. Mary's, 6th grade I sold the most chocolate bars in the entire school winning a radio and a field trip for my class. I was always selling stuff door to door starting with the first grade and did it ALONE. I sold Girl Scout Cookies, chocolate bars, Gem candies, raffle tickets, and calendars.
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